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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  September 22, 2010 4:00am-5:00am PST

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morning news. good morning. thank you for waking up with us. it's wednesday september 22nd. i'm pam cook. >> and good morning. i'm dave clark. let's check your weather and traffic. here's steve. today's the last day of summer but feels like fall. temperatures breezy at times. 60s and 70s. we'll have the five-day forecast in a few minutes. right now westbound interstate 880 traffic moving well heading to the macarthur maze with no major problems. this commute looks good southbound past the coliseum. now back to the desk. all right, sal. at 5:00 a woman's car that smashed through the store is recovering now from her injuries. jade hernandez is there now to tell us what that scene looks like. >> reporter: good morning.
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massive store windows shattered last night. [ audio problems ] the auto parts store in hayward is already boarded up. pictures tell the story best. police don't know why a woman lost control of her car or why it ended up here. all they know is after 10:00 last night a woman drove her black four door honda civic into this auto parts store. this driver drove straight through into the middle of the store located on jackson street. firefighters had to free her from her car and paramedics rushed her to the hospital. we don't know how seriously she was hurt but no one else was in the car or involved in the accident. she is recovering this morning. we don't know if they'll open for regular business hours, but as you can see this morning i want to bring you back out live here the broken windows are already boarded. employees will have some cleaning up today. but they will also have quite a story to tell. we're live along jackson in hayward, jade hernandez. back to you in studio. about 50 people had to be evacuated overnight from a
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student housing facility in berkeley when a fire started inside. it happened just after 11:00 last night on prospect and ban i don't have the next to the stadium. witnesses say they heard an explosion before the fire was discovered near a pile of paint cans. the police and fire crews were quickly called in. but three students who lived there jumped in before crews arrid and helped put out the flames. >> we got there. it was pretty big. probably as big as like three people standing. there was a bunch of paint cans. put it out with fire extinguishers. >> nobody was hurt and fire crews are still investigating. time now 5:02. a san jose police officer may be charged with criminal false imprisonment in a really bizarre sex case that involves his teenage stepdaughter. he was in full uniform when he pretended to arrest her boyfriend for having sex with
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the 14-year-old girl. the veteran motorcycle officer says he was simply trying to scare the boy. but the 15-year-old's parents say he's an angry cop abusing his authority. a major clean up project begin this is morning. ktvu channel 2 has more on the story. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning, pam. just down the hill from where we're standing is the section of neighborhood ravaged by the gas line explosion. later today crews will be re- entering the red zone here, the fire zone, to try to haul away burnt out vehicles that are still parked along the streets. now san mateo county is bringing in crews as we mentioned to remove the charred vehicles from claremont drive and concord way. the area is pretty much deserted right now except for police officers standing guard. neighbors do not want to look at ashes anymore.
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they are anxious to rebuild. according to the san mateo health department they're bringing in heavy equipment to remove the debris and crews will take away stuff by hand. they are concerned when the rains come they could stir up foxins and that could seep into the bay. for this reason storm drains are covered right now with sandbags. seven people were killed and at least 50 homes destroyed in that explosion that happened september 9th. tomorrow crews will be removing what's left of the homes here. ktvu, channel 2 news. later today the san mateo county health department will host the latest event designed to help the strict ups victims of the pipeline explosion. that meeting gets underway at 1:00 p.m. at the veteran memorial recreation center on city parkway. time now 5:04. south san francisco city manager says he's stunned by
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pg&e's risky pipeline list. specifically barry says he can't believe a section of pipeline just two miles from the explosion did not make the list. pg&e admits that three years ago the buried pipe section had an unacceptably high risk and needed to be replaced. >> obviously it surprised me we're not on there after we heard we're in a high risk section in our town but not on the top 100 list when it comes out. >> we did further evaluation of that line including excavating sections of the line to physically look at it and ensure that the line was in good condition. >> of the replacement project which had been scheduled for last year is now scheduled for 2013. we'll continue to follow the fire and the investigation throughout the morning for you. you can also get updates at any time by going to our channel 2 website at a decision will likely be made today on a proposal to
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make drastic cuts to ac transit bus services. the planned cuts would save the agency $12 million by eliminating half of the weekend routes and four of the six overnight lines. many people who rely on those services say the cuts will leave them stranded. >> i go to school in the evenings. i'm not going to be able to get to school. it's going to be hard. >> yesterday a group of people protested in oakland trying to get the board of directors to vote against the cuts tonight. one board member says he feels their pain but with the district at an impasse with union drivers and mechanics, it's running out of options. if approved the cuts would take effect in december. sal is here. time now 5:06. do you have the commute wide awake? >> it is wide awake. we've had a few things out there. traffic moving along relatively well. good morning to you. let's go out and take a look at
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80 westbound. traffic is moving well. somewhat windy on the upper deck of the bay bridge. when you drive to the bay bridge be careful. you can look at the toll plaza. not going to be much of a delay there at all. and on the other side of the bridge on 101 between the airport between 380 and candle stick i should say northbound 101 some road work there. northbound 280 traffic wide open for you into the valley. no major problem ifs you're on northbound 101 coming up to san jose. it looks good. no problems on westbound 92 this morning or 84. 5:07. here's steve. sal, right past scald cot i think a deer. >> yeah. they're going to pick it up right now. >> thank you, sir. feels like fall. still summer technically. it ends tonight 8:09 p.m. but we had a system came by,
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left low clouds. then higher clouds came in and felt like a cold front slicing by. now the cool air in place and wind picked up. there will be one more little system coming by. after that all signs point towards high pressure building in giving us a warm weekend. today will be sunny. just breezy and cool especially to start off with. if you're in the sun later today may not be too bad. some 70s. that's kind of nice. sunny, breezy and cool to start off with 40s and 50s. 48 santa rosa and napa. 55 livermore and concord. 56 san francisco. if it wasn't for the wind it would be a lot cooler than this. 40s in the mountains. 50s up and down the coast until you hit southern california. you can see our little system. that's why i like to show the satellite. see the spin in the atmosphere. that's a little low came by right to the north. give us clouds late in the afternoon. one more little system has to clip us from the north. that will prevent the high from building in. it's a noticeably cooler pattern. however high pressure on its way and it's going to be warmer. especially towards friday and
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saturday and maybe even sunday and monday. 60s and 70s today. that will do it. windy, blustery at times. wind protected areas maybe not too bad. breezy today. cold tomorrow morning. no doubt about it. fall starts tonight, takes us into thursday and wouldn't you know we have warmer weather with 90s to the interior by the weekend. wow. all right. major defeat for those fighting the pentagon's don't ask, don't tell policy. what happens now and how the upcoming elections could make all the difference. plus the reason san francisco wants driving a car to be a last resort decision. and coming up, revealing dramatic revisions in the obama administration over afghan war strategy. good morning. if you're driving any time soon, traffic for the most part looks good. there are some problem spots. we'll tell you more about those.
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i'm ahmed mady and i'm a homebuilder. my father brought me up to give back to society... felicia jackson promised her late sister that she would take care of her children. but she needed help. i used my american express open card to get half a million points to buy building materials to help build the jackson family a new home. well, i know if my dad was still around, he would have told me, with no doubt... he would have told me it's a no brainer and i knew that from the start. it was an honor. booming is moving forward by giving back.
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welcome back to the morning news. now 12 minutes after 5:00. a well known author offers critical new revelations about the war in afghanistan and the conflict within the obama administration on how to handle it. ktvu's allison burns joins us from our washington d.c. newsroom with more on the story. good morning, allison. >> reporter: good morning, pam. president obama is holding an event today marking the six month anniversary of the new health reform law. but he is getting up staged by
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some eye opening disclosures in the new bob woodward book. it's called obama's wars about the war in afghanistan and the war within the obama administration about how to manage it. he feels that president obama urgently looked for a way out of the war last year. repeatedly pressing his national security team for an exit plan that was never delivered. and that he ordered the surge in troops as a compromise. he's quoted as telling white house aids this needs to be a plan about how we are going to hand it off and get out of afghanistan. and when he rejected the military's request for 40,000 troops, he also rejected the idea of long-term nation building saying i'm not doing ten years. now i'll have more on how president obama has been at odds with some of his top uniformed military commanders including general david patraeus. that's coming up during my next update in about an hour. live from washington d.c.,
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alson burns, ktvu news. one of obama's top economic advisors is leaving the white house. he's giving up his position as the director of the national economic council and plans to return to harvard at the end of this year. summers is the third member of president obama's economic team to step down amid the economic crisis. there's a speculation that he will be replaced by either a woman or a ceo. time now 5:13. democratic leaders in the u.s. senate planned a new vote on the ban of gays serving openly in the military. the attached revision appeal don't ask don't tell to a popular defense spending bill. but it was defeated with all republicans voting against it. 60 votes were needed to pass it but it only received 56. republicans accuse democrats of trying to force the action before the november election. >> this is a plait event brat
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event political ploy in order to face the other side facing a losing election. >> thinks the votes should be held until after the election. senate leaders say they'll bring the issue up again in a lame duck session after the elections. now if democrats lose some of their seats as expected, repealing the ban could be even tougher next year. another bill known as the draining mack also failed in the senate in that same vote. this would have allowed young people under the age of 16 when they illegally came to this country to become u.s. citizens after spending two years in either college or the military. they also would have had to be in the u.s. for five years and have a high school diploma. sponsors plan to make the dream act the first amendment to the defense bill that was just defeated. san francisco is envisioning fewer drivers on city streets as the transit agency updates its strategic
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plan. the chronicle reports that the city's knew mispal transportation agency board wants to convert the city into a place where driving would be a last resort. the agency says the focus should be on making roads better suited for bicyclists and pedestrians and improving public transportation and car pooling. time now 5:15. sal is watching highway 4. any particular reason, sal? >> you know it always gets busy out there. dave and pam, good morning to you. one of the earliest commutes where we already see slow traffic. here many bay point it looks okay. but on highway 4 up to antioch we already have slow traffic. believe it or not i guess if you drive that way you do believe it because it's your world so to speak. westbound bay bridge traffic looking pretty good. no problems getting on to the bridge. if you're driving on the peninsula at northbound 101 between right about here and candle stick park between 38o and candle stick park northbound a couple lanes closed for road work. a couple lanes getting through.
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so far it's light traffic so it's not causing a major delay. and cal tran tells us it should be gone by about 6:00 . a chilly pattern on this last day of summer. one little system here and another one just clipping us to the north. the combination of the two have higher winds. also along the coast gusts about 25 to 30 miles per hour involvement . even though it's going to be sunny mostly sunny and breezy conditions today. it will feel very fall-like even though we're saying good- bye to summer. tomorrow we'll start warming things up a bit. today sunny to mostly sunny. breezy, cool, 60s, 70s and 70s. temperatures starting off in the 40s for many. 48 santa rosa and napa. i expect to see low 40s after everything's said and done here usually around 6:00 start to see some of those. 40s in the mountains. 50s, 60s, the system slicing through the state and has cranked up the wind.
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until it clears here which won't be until tomorrow, we have one more system right there. after that all signs point towards high pressure coming in and giving us a warmer weekend. in fact maybe warm into early next week. too soon so say if we'll have an offshore breeze. maybe enough to be a big high pressure system coming in and giving everyone sunshine and warmer weather. today few clouds, cool, sunny and breezy. 60s and 70s in the hills. cold tomorrow morning in wind protected areas. little system friday. little to much warmer into the weekend with 90s for the interior. well, european markets are mostly lower this morning following the lead of investors in asia. the response is to the federal reserve's comments that the board is ready to help the flailing u.s. economy. but didn't announce any specific measures. some reaction will be delayed
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around the world since markets in taiwan, mainland china and south korea are all closed for national holidays. checking in on wall street the futures point to a slightly lower opening here for us as well. as you can see the numbers just small moves by the closing bell. yesterday with the dow jones starting today at 10, 761. the price of crude oil is hovering around $75 a barrel after a report showing u.s. supplies rose unexpectedly by more than two million barrels last week. it's another sign the economy is not growing as quickly as expected since demand is not increasing. u.s. energy department releases its weekly crude oil inventory report later today. the newest survey for restaurants for the bay area is out and shows two trends. first we're cutting back on how often we eat out. before the recession we ate out 3.2 times a week. that's down to 2.8. when we do eat out, we're being
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more careful with our money. >> i think people are being much more careful about what they spend. they're cutting out expensive bottles of wine which are pure profit for the restaurant. >> diners are demanding changes to menus. almost 80% of bay area diners want organic foods to be available. the survey shows the most popular local restaurant is gary danko in san francisco. it's been number one the last five years. two other boulevard and slanted door come in second. and third french laundry and cyrus round out the local top five. getting hungry there. well, a little town in california hardly anyone would recognize is now getting national attention. the reason a money scandal sent city officials to jail and how cities around the country are watching to possibly learn a lesson. also san quentin's new death chamber is ready to be
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used. will the state use it and allow it? the upcoming decision that may allow executions to resume. good morning. northbound 101 traffic moving along pretty well approaching the 80 split. we'll tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead. ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honk our outback always gets us there...
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... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
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good morning. cold out there for some. santa rosa and napa at 46.
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sunny mostly sunny breezy and cool at times even windy. police have announce add $25,000 reward for information in a homicide that happened exactly one year ago today. 75-year-old joan found shot to death just outside the front door of her home. police say they have spent 4,000 hours following leads but they have not made any arrests. an anonymous donor posted that reward. eight city officials of the southern california town of bell are headed from jail to court this morning after being arrested in a scandal that's drawn national attention. the mayor, the ex-city manager, and six current and former city officials are accused of taking more than $5.5 million from the working class suburb of los angeles. the eight are facing dozens of charges of illegally paying themselves enormous salaries. time now 5:24. a federal judge could decide as soon as this week whether to resume executions here in
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california. the capital punishment has been on hold in california since 2006 following a legal claim that executions may inflict cruel and unusual punishment. the state attorney general's office is now asking the judge to lift that ban saying the state has modified its execution procedures. the ruling on that request is expected by friday. now the first execution if that moratorium is lifted will take place in san quentin's brand new lethal injection chamber. look at this. our cameras got a rare look inside there. the $800,000 facility has a separate viewing room for the families of the inmate and the victim. before witnesses in the past used to be crammed into one room. >> it's night and day. much larger. we're adjacent to the security area. the holding cell where the inmate spends his last approximately six hours of his life. >> now if the judge is satisfied with the state's new
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execution protocols, riverside county murder albert greenwood brown could become the first inmate to be executed in this new chamber. he is scheduled to be put to death one week from today. now if you want more information about california's death row, go to our channel 2 website at look for the slide show tab. it's right there at the top of our home page. we have an update on a deadly crash in san jose that we first told you about yesterday morning. police say the driver, 18-year- old mitch pennings was under the influence when he crashed his ford explorer into a light pole. his passenger whose name was not released was killed. he was found about a block away from the crash scene facing several charges including vehicle manslaughter and felony drunk driving. a 6-year-old boy involved in a deadly crash in nevada has been booked into juvenile hall after being released from the hospital. police say he was driving a car that collided with a big rig
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last friday. 16-year-old, a passenger in the car, was killed. three other passengers were hurt. investigators say they found open beer cans and a liquor bottle at the crash site. searching for answers. why san jose police need your help following a deadly accident involving a bicyclist. and why a national transportation organization says san jose roads are among the worst in the country. good morning. northbound 101 traffic looks pretty good. but another stretch of the road is actually slow. we'll tell you the reason. ñ
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good morning to you. welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. the middle of the week. wednesday september 22nd. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. time now 5:30. it was a little chilly and windy overnight. it's going to be very chilly, sunny, breezy to windy. gusts to 45 miles an hour at the at month pass. 60s and 70s for temperatures today. very cool to start off with. not too bad in the sun. but the wind will play into the forecast today as temperatures held in check. now here's sal. steve, right now traffic is moving along pretty well it f you're on northbound 2 0 in san jose. good here up to the valley. not likely to stay this way. a good time to get out there. this is a look at westbound bay bridge. and that traffic is looking
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good all the way into san francisco. it's 5:30. let's go back to dave and pam. sal, thank you. san jose police right now are looking for a driver in a hit- and-run crash that killed a bicyclist. police say the 25-year-old victim was found shortly before 7:00 a.m. yesterday. he died there at the scene. we don't know his name yet. but investigators believe he was on his way to work when he was hit. investigators say they haven't found any witnesses. if youave any information, get in contact with san jose police. oakland police have released a sketch of a man believed to be responsible for two sexual assaults near lake merit. the female victims described man as african-american in his 20s with a medium build. take a look at this sketch. he's 5'10" to 6 feet tall. now the two victims tell police that they're attacker had a gun when he robbed and then sexually assaulted them in two
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separate incidents. both attacks happened sunday night in relatively secluded areas around lake merit. time now 5:31. the beach man arrested. he's accused of vandalism by graffiti. 28-year-old was picked up after surveillance video from a mobile home park allegedly caught him walking up to the side of a truck and tagging it. he was booked into the san mateo county jail on 11 vandalism charges stemming from paint tags. it's believed he left on vehicles. the woman whose car smashed through the window of a hayward auto supply store is recovering from her injuries this morning. this happened shortly after 10:00 last night at the auto parts store on jackson street. look at these pictures. firefighters rescued the driver out of this car. she was rushed to the hospital. but we don't know yet the extent of her injuries. there's no word if that store by the way will be closed for business today while the workers clean up all the damage. a new study out today shows the bay area's biggest city
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also has the worst roads of any big city in the country. ktvu is live now from san jose with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, pam. if you've driven on roads in the bay area you can tell me your own personal horror story. san jose is number one on the list ahead of san francisco and oakland. look at the pile of ditches in the on the right. i don't know how to describe it. the pavement all ruffled right there. according to the report by a national group called trip, san jose has the worst roads in the country for an urban area of more than 500,000 people. now the road from here to palo alto also ranks third on that list. number one is the distance between route 85 in san jose to route 101 in san jose and 101 to white road in san jose.
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since about 1971 trip has promoted transportation policies that relieve traffic congestion and improve roads. it says 64% of roads in san jose are in poor condition and that the average cost to a motorist to keep their cars, vehicles, in good running shape because of these roads is more than hundreds of dollars a year. now i mentioned san jose is number one. san francisco, oakland is number five. l.a. is actually number two. so san jose even beats los angeles area. now coming up, i'm going to be trying to talk to some motorists out here so they can tell me where they think the worst roads are in san jose. live in san jose, ktvu channel 2 news. all right. time now 5:34. sal, speaking of roads, how's our commute? i know you're watching san francisco. >> we're going to start there because coming into san francisco this morning along northbound 101 from the airport there were a couple of lanes closed for road work. they're in the process of picking that up. it never really did cause a
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traffic problem. but you'll see what my traffic cameras and a lot of these on tall buildings being shaken by the wind. in fact overnight there was a wind advisory for the bay bridge. gusty winds that would get the drivers' attention for sure. moving along and looking at interstate 880 that traffic is moving along very well. if you're in livermore westbound 580 coming in the traffic moving along okay. it's mostly clear but cool and breezy and windy out there according to a tweet i got from sp weather. steve. >> 44 miles an hour. >> exactly. at the pass. >> that is correct. thank you for mentioning that, sal. i appreciate it. [ laughter ] >> that is true. mt. tamalpais 46 miles per hour and not too far away gusts to 60. so looks like the strongest gusts are around am that month pass. also associated with that system that slid by yesterday and left a lot of cool air in
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place getting a lot of 40s now. if it wasn't for the breeze it would be even colder. i think tomorrow morning will be chilly in the wind protected areas as the wind dies down. we'll lose clouds except for patchy low clouds. sunny, breezy, windy coast some higher elevations in cool 60s and 70s today. 46 santa rosa napa. 53 san jose. livermore and concord mid-50s and san francisco 56 degrees even though most locations are clear to mostly clear. there are some areas of patchy fog. 49 at tahoe yet 39 in truck key. they have mostly cloudy skies and wind picking up running warmer in tahoe. 50s for most or 60s down to southern california. the last day of summer, fall starts tonight at about 8:09 for us. it sure feels like fall. but we're going to start turning things around starting tomorrow will be the transition day. and by the weekend we could be looking at mid-90s through the
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interior. so few clouds, cool, sunny, breezy to windy at times. 60s and 70s. and temperatures in the wind protected areas will feel cool for some but then in the afternoon if you have the sun maybe not too bad but it's going to be a fall-like day. we usher in fall officially tonight and that takes us into thursday. and the weekend sunny and warmer. just in time for fall. >> that's right. all right. there's a dramatic car crash late last night in oakland. the surprise one couple got while eating out and how they came to the rescue of the people in the car. and one of the biggest food recalls in recent history. the tough questions members of congress will ask today about eggs. and if you're driving on the grade traffic so far looks good. will it stay that way? we'll tell you why a lot of people are saying it probably won't. droiiiid.
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what this droid does will change how you do web connections. this creates a mobile 3g hotspot, powerful enough to fuel multiple devices at will. putting you at the center of your own world wide web. introducing the new droid x. the next generation of does.
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good morning. it's going to be rather breezy, windy at times. gusts over 40 at the pass. sunny today to mostly sunny with highs only in the 60s and 70s. okay. steve, thank you. welcome back. guilty or not guilty good morning to you. quick look at stories we're following. a decision will probably be made today on a proposal to make drastic cuts to ac transit bus services. would reportedly save the agency more than $12 million by eliminating more than half of the weekend routes and four of the six overnight lines. 50 people had to be evacuated at a student housing facility at uc berkeley overnight after a fire started inside this happened near cal's memorial stadium. luckily no one was hurt.
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three students there put out the blaze with a fire extinguisher until the firefighters got there. there's a new book by well known journalist bob woodward. his book claims to have critical new revelations about how the white house is handling the war in afghanistan. the book says that war created a big division within the obama administration with the president originally being against it. state budget negotiations will take place in southern california today. senate president protell flying to los angeles to meet with governor schwarzenegger who is home sick with a cold. his press secretary tweeted that he was sick of sitting around sacramento waiting for things to happen on the budget. state budget is now 84 days overdue. a san jose nonprofit says thousands of families are in danger of going hungry because of the city's budget cuts. west valley community services agency says for the first time in its history it will be forced to deny assistance to
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people in two west san jose zip codes. the agency lost $150,000 in funding from san jose. they placed 2,000 empty grocery bags in front of city hall last night to show how many people will be effected. >> we can't let anyone go hungry. not in this affluent area like the silicon valley where there are millions of dollars in this valley. >> san jose mayor says cuts were made throughout the city to cover the city's huge $118 million budget gap. he also says next year is not looking good and there could be additional cuts. time now 5:42. election day now just six weeks away. the california governor's race is really heating up. last night former secretary of state joined meg whitman and protesters were there. >> let's just get rid of all the public service.
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>> the california's nurse's association has endorsed jerry brown democrat and other labor groups showed up. they showed concerns about meg whitman's promise to cut 40,000 employees. >> if she lays off more workers, cuts the public services already down to the bone, people will not be able to gets services they need, we won't get the infrastructure we built, the education will be worse than it is now. >> i spent a career making jobs, meeting payrolls, getting return on investment. >> last night's republican fundraiser for meg whitman drew a crowd of more than 350 supporters. also included a thousand dollar rack of lamb dinner and a conversation with former secretary of state. now the first debate between republican meg whitman and democrat jerry brown is scheduled for 6:00 next tuesday at uc davis. ktvu news is the only bay area
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television station that will broadcast that debate live. a little later this morning a congressional committee will hear more about the contaminated eggs that made more than 1500 people sick. the heads of two iowa egg farms where the eggs came from are scheduled to testify. committee members warn they will ask about conditions after both farms tested positive for salmonella two years ago. hundreds of millions of eggs produced at the farms were recalled this past summer. two teenagers have pleaded guilty to assault charges stemming from a may shooting. prosecutors say 18-year-old will be sentenced to 11 years and eight months in prison. joseph gonzalez will be sentenced to ten years in prison. police say he fired a gun from the sunroof of a car driven by the other. they were targeting a minivan driven by her ex-boyfriend who was hurt along with another boy. time now 5:44. boy, a late night car accident knocked out a fire hydrant in oakland and caused a really
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unusual sight. here's what it looked like. look at this shot. water from that hydrant shooting way high up in the air. all of this happened when a car and a minivan collided at the intersection of 35th and international. two people who were having dinner in the area heard the crash. they quickly ran over to help the victims. >> we heard the noise so we came rushing in. there was an elderly lady in the backseat. i helped her out and my friend helped one of the girls out that was in the other passenger seat. >> that good samaritan told us one of the victims of the crash was pregnant. he says four people were taken to the hospital but the extent of injuries we don't know at this time. 5:45 is the time right now. check back in with sal for a look at the commute. any problems like that, sal? >> nothing like that fortunately. we are starting off with routine traffic just at the bay bridge getting busier. there are no major problems coming in. now this is for the most part i
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think going to be the quiet before the storm. couple things i will warn you about. move along and take a look at the next live camera. that would be interstate 880 here in oakland. traffic is moving along relatively well. touching my mic. shouldn't do that. traffic looking good in oakland. in hayward and union city on 880 traffic is moving well. if you are driving across the bay to the san mateo bridge 101 and 280 looking very nice. 5:46. let's go to steve. sal, thank you very much. some of the wind gusts i just noticed here on mt. tamalpais 46 miles per hour although it's decreased a little bit in the last 15 minutes. but about when i started putting this graphic together 46 miles per hour. altamont pass crystal springs reservoir along 280 right near that gust to 27. oakland airport 21. and hayward gust to 20 miles per hour as well.
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this right there slides on by. and that has kicked up the wind. also gave us clouds yesterday. also mixing out the fog. there are some areas where we have a little bit of low cloudiness but it's mostly clear out there. although a few locations still say cloudy. the wind will take care of it. we start off rather chilly and partly cloudy this morning. it will be sunny but cool and a breezy forecast. we should see temperatures today near 70 degrees today for some. that will be it on the peninsula. sunny, breezy and cool. 60s and 70s. inland a cool day. 40s for some. seen temperatures near 44 and 45 towards napa as well. last check though napa 46. 53 san jose. so they're cooling off as well. 40s in the mountains. 40s, 50s and 60s from top to bottom. system slides through. that will keep us on a rather blustery day even though it will be sunny. visibility will be good. one more system has to clip us to the north. after that everything showing signs of high pressure coming in and warming us up as we head
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to the weekend. few clouds cool, sunny, breezy to windy. especially on the coast and in the hills. gusts over 40 miles per hour. 60s and 70s for everybody. so it will be a cool day. bottom out on those temps today and then start a little warm up thursday after a very cold morning. fall begins tonight 8:09 p.m. and mostly sunny friday and much warmer into the weekend. thank you, steve. keep an eye on the stock of adoe bee systems today. posted a 69% jump in net income after yesterday's closing bell. that was after announcing record revenue of $990 million. but adoe bewarns revenue in the current quarter is likely to be less than what wall street expects. spending on next generation digital systems is on the rise. gardener research says government and large corporations will spend $3.4 trillion on hardware, software and i.t. services this year and it's predicted to go up another $100 billion next year. that may mean that companies
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like hewlett pack hard continue to buy up smaller company that is specialize in data storage and security systems. anizeer bush launching a new campaign with the slogan grab some buds to encourage younger adults to sample its best known brands. an unusual step will have trendy bars and restaurants across the country offering free samples of budweiser to customers under the age of 30. budweiser sales have dropped 9% in the last year. time now 5:48. today there's a bay area job fair if you're looking for a job. this will be held on campus in daily city. some employers coming out to meet face to face with applicants include wells fargo bank, daily city police department, credit union and lawrence livermore laboratory. also workshops and seminars on the best way to apply for jobs. this job fair begins at 9:30 this morning and runs until 1:00 this afternoon.
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well, the bug business is booming. getting rid of one particular bug is keeping bay area exterminators busy. they say we haven't even scratched the surface. also the trash hot spot for the bay area. a new report tells us where they are.
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if only there were a place where banks competed to save me a boatload of money on my mortgage -- that would be awesome! [sarcastically sure. like that will happen. don't just think about it. spend 10 minutes at lendingtree and save up to $272 a month. in new zealand a big rescue
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operation is underway to save dozens of beached whales. 80 of them in a remote beach in the northern part of the country. more than 40 of them have already died. volunteers have been trying to keep them alive until crews can get them back in the water today. marine biologists think they stranded themselves but don't know why. there's a first ever bedbug summit underway in illinois to deal with a growing problem across the country. the summit opened yesterday to a sold out crowd. vendors offered solutions and top entry moll gists and bedbug experts offered advice and seminars. bedbugs were wiped out 50 years ago, but they've been making a comeback in north america since the ban of ddt and other toxic pesticides. one pest control service at the summit is offering a solution without the use of chemicals. >> simplest way to protect your bed from bedbugs zero bedbugs
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have been able to. [ indiscernible ] >> new york is at the top of the list for bedbug infestation. but control officials in santa clara county say they've seen a surge in calls about bedbugs as well from about five to ten calls a year to more than 70 calls now. >> wow. time now 5:53. a new list out for so-called trash hot spots along bay area creeks and water ways. the group save the bay identified 225 locations that really need cleaning up. and state and regional water quality agencies are issuing a requirement to cities to permanently cut trash in these locations. now the new rules call for a 40% trash reduction by the year 2014. plus garbage has to be totally eliminated within 12 years. however some cities say they don't have enough money to pay for this new mandate. in south san francisco, the city manager says it will cost more than $400,000 a year just
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to get started. well, the 7th annual yosemite facelift event begins today. volunteers are invited to join in the clean up of trash and litter all over the yosemite park. last year more than 1200 volunteers collected 60,000 pounds of trash from the roads, from the trails and from the camping areas. all the volunteers will receive free food and drinks. the park and the yosemite climbing associations are providing trash bags and gloves. san francisco is getting closer to expanding its law on tobacco sales. right now the sale of tobacco is only prohibited in the city's drugstores. but supervisors voted yesterday to extend that ban to all stores with pharmacies including safeway and cost co. the measure must now go to full board for approval. proposed alcohol fee could soon go before san francisco voters now that it's been struck down by the mayor.
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he vetoed the legislation just hours after it was passed by the board of supervisors yesterday saying it would hurt businesses and jobs. the fee would have only applied to alcohol wholesalers and distributors with the revenue going to pay for alcohol- related health problems. time now 5:55. sal will help you get to where you need to go this morning. >> that's right. we're trying to do it before the big crowd gets there. if you are an early person get on the road soon. i think right now you're doing pretty well. there are no major problems. northbound 101 near 680 a three car noninjury accident where the cars are on the shoulder. they're not causing a big delay. northbound 101 ramp to 680 northbound right there in the big interchange. not a big traffic problem because it's light. move along and take a look at the traffic on 680 south. southbound 680 the last few days been all the talk of the traffic world because of the new express lane. we're hoping that people get more used to it and traffic
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congestion will ease a little bit. one more thing to look at san francisco northbound 101 okay to downtown. go back to the desk. thank you, sal. removing a toxic threat in san bruno. what clean up crews at the pipeline disaster plan to remove today before the rainy season makes the situation even worse. plus this is not a drive-in auto supply store. why this bay area business may not be open for business today. good morning. it's cool out there. we'll show you some really chilly lows toward the north plus the wind will be a factor in your forecast. all that coming up after the break.
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i'm live in the san bruno neighborhood ravaged by the fire. why crews are going to be here today, what they'll focus on and why they want to do it as quickly as possible. why workers in one auto store would likely be spending less time this morning helping drivers with their cars and more time cleaning up. sure feels like fall. what about the first weekend of fall? more summer-like or


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